Welcome to the Grey Area

Welcome to the Grey Area


When I set out to create this website, I had no idea what I was doing, and let me tell you, I still don’t. I am though, learning that no one knows what they’re doing, and there’s a lot of really poorly done stuff out there. Worst part? That poorly done stuff is earning people a lot of attention and money. I’ll get over it.

The goal I had in mind in creating this site was simple: “To create a place on the internet, where I could be all parts of me, unapologetically, organized in a way that fueled my passions and supported my lifestyle”. Sounds simple enough, yeah? Well, for someone like me who a: has no idea what she’s doing, and b: has incredibly limited skills on a computer, it’s been tough. I’m talking like, minimum of two years on the back burner. I’d go in waves- first I’d be fueled by frustration, thinking I could do everything myself. Then, I’d get burnout and angry, so I’d try to outsource and hire someone to do the work for me. That was worse, so much worse. 

Every time I would hire someone to help me, they wouldn’t listen to a word I had to say, and just pushed their own agendas. I learned firsthand how these ‘multi millionaire life-brand coaches’ were operating, and I was NOT okay with it. I lost a few thousand dollars and a lot of intellectual property that way, and if you were to ask their perspective about it, they’d probably tell you it was an ‘expensive-but-necessary’ lesson in learning how capable I am of doing things myself.  But that's the subject of a separate entry…

Most people out there want you to feel like there’s a certain process, or order in which to create your art and deliver your message. There isn’t. Most digital platforms want you to feel like there’s a specific way to present your art- which, is also not true. The more you try to ‘research’ how to do things, the more of a rabbit hole you get sucked into. Then suddenly, years will fly by and you have nothing to show for yourself, because the ‘best’ ways to present your work are always evolving.

A couple years, lots of money, and countless do-overs later, the goal of this site remains the same- “a place where I can be all parts of myself, unapologetically”. At it's heart is a blog inspired by my lived experiences. I call it "Navigate the Grey". It is based off of the DBT Skill* "walking the middle path". A lot of what I needed to heal from was the limiting belief of 'Black and White Thinking': this idea that things needed to be either all good, or all bad in order to be true. Over time and therapy, I have learned that things can be *both*, and emotional stability resides in that middle path, a sort of "Grey Area".

Supporting the blog are physical and digital offerings that I have created for myself first, with the intention that they may be beneficial to others. In time, I hope to grow an ‘internet island’ where other people who identify with my experiences can take some comfort in knowing that they’re not alone. I hope you find that I deliver on that goal.

Thanks for joining, please stay as long as you like.



An excerpt from my journal of my goals for this site.

*Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps people manage their emotions and social interactions. It's based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), but is adapted for people who have difficulty managing their emotions. "Walking the Middle Path" is a dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skill that encourages people to replace "either-or" thinking with "both-and" thinking. From Google

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