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My Best Stripper Self: The Tracker Planner

My Best Stripper Self: The Tracker Planner

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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This notebook is designed to be your ultimate tracking tool. I made it so you can easily reference numerical data by month, week, and day. Complete with thoughtful pattern recognition prompts for self-reflection, and numerical information to develop your earning potential, statistics, and sales skills. Pages are not dated, so you may use this tracker for any year you choose, and start on any day you like.

This is a 6-month tracker with 228 pages including: mid-year review, months at a glance, weeks at a glance, 6 monthly recaps, 26 weekly recaps, and 183 Daily Recaps. Spiral bound, Color Print. 

While not necessary, but very helpful- this tracker is most effective when paired with “My Best Stripper Self”, which deep dives into the why behind each page, and is extremely useful to create longevity in the Adult Entertainment industry.


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My Best Stripper Self: The Manifestation Bundle

Everything you need to start identifying and tracking what works, so you can create and repeat patterns of success.